"The Must Have Ultimate MAGAzine"
Anti-Spring Fatigue Rifle Magazine Company
Welcome to Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine Company, where we proudly produce and offer AR-style magazines that defy spring fatigue, allowing you to store them fully-loaded for extended periods without worry.

Made In
Designed & Engineered By U.S. Special Ops Marines and Law Enforcement

How does this magazine render others obsolete?
“Manufactured With Highest Quality Duramide™ PA66 Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer For Extreme Durability”
“Patented Telescoping Design Relieves 50% Spring Tension Of Fully-Loaded Magazine During Storage and/or Inactivity”
“Equivalent To “Downloading” A Conventional 30-Round Magazine To 15 Rounds”
“Can Be Put Into Action In Less Than One Second, Delivering 100% Spring Power, With A Full Complement Of 30 Rounds”
“User CONFIDENCE That The ASF Magazine Will Function Efficiently Even After Years Of Storage”
“Patented, Full-Sized, Custom Magazine Spring Fully Supports The Follower, Further Preventing Tilt And “Nosediving””
Our Team
First of all, every person involved in this project is a firearms enthusiast. Between us all, we have a combined experience with firearms of more than 150 years; and we’ve all served in various branches of the US Armed Forces and/or Law Enforcement. We like to think that we know what we’re doing. ASF Magazine has grown thanks to a group of gun enthusiasts that came together to form the Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine Company, fueled by their passion to create and sell 30-round magazines for the AR-style platform that would never succumb to the dreaded spring fatigue.