"The Must Have Ultimate MAGAzine"

Anti-Spring Fatigue Rifle Magazine Company

Welcome to Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine Company, where we proudly produce and offer AR-style magazines that defy spring fatigue, allowing you to store them fully-loaded for extended periods without worry.

Made In

Designed & Engineered By U.S. Special Ops Marines and Law Enforcement

How does this magazine render others obsolete?

“Manufactured With Highest Quality Duramide™ PA66 Fiberglass Reinforced Polymer For Extreme Durability”

“Patented Telescoping Design Relieves 50% Spring Tension Of Fully-Loaded Magazine During Storage and/or Inactivity”

“Equivalent To “Downloading” A Conventional 30-Round Magazine To 15 Rounds”


“Can Be Put Into Action In Less Than One Second, Delivering 100% Spring Power, With A Full Complement Of 30 Rounds”

“User CONFIDENCE That The ASF Magazine Will Function Efficiently Even After Years Of Storage”

“Patented, Full-Sized, Custom Magazine Spring Fully Supports The Follower, Further Preventing Tilt And “Nosediving””

Our Team

 First of all, every person involved in this project is a firearms enthusiast.  Between us all, we have a combined experience with firearms of more than 150 years; and we’ve all served in various branches of the US Armed Forces and/or Law Enforcement.  We like to think that we know what we’re doing. ASF Magazine has grown thanks to a group of gun enthusiasts that came together to form the Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine Company, fueled by their passion to create and sell 30-round magazines for the AR-style platform that would never succumb to the dreaded spring fatigue.

Proudly Made In The USA

The Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine is protected by active Patents issued by the United States Patent Office: 10527374 and 10690427.  Please check the Shipping Restrictions page before ordering! We can not ship to certain Cities/States on the Restricted Shipping List and orders will be canceled by our team if an order is placed in one of the Restricted Areas. Any attempt to utilize any of the information contained in one or more of these patents without the expressed written permission of the patent holder(s) will result in criminal prosecution to the fullest extent of the law.  © 2024 Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine Company, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.  The ASF Magazine Name, Logos And Related Marks Are Trademarks Of Anti-Spring Fatigue (ASF) Rifle Magazine Company , LLC.